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Individuals with disabilities represent a significant and often underutilized resource for employers. As a result of advocates for diversity, as greater understanding of the talents individuals with disabilities bring to the workplace,  employers should take a serious look at hiring and retaining people with disabilities. This course will give supervisors, managers, and human resource consultants tools and tips for creating a diverse workplace.

Disability Awareness - 2 PDCs

  • After you complete this course, you will be able to:

    • Describe what diversity and its related terms mean.
    • Explain how changes in the world have affected you and your view.
    • Identify your stereotypes.
    • Use terms that are politically correct and avoid those which are not.
    • Apply the four cornerstones of diversity.
    • Avoid the pitfalls related to diversity.
    • Use a technique for dealing with inappropriate behavior.
    • Develop a management style to encourage diversity.
    • Take action if you or one of your employees feels discriminated against.
    • Defining terms
    • Misconceptions and realities
    • Dissecting labels
    • Accessibility
    • The cornerstones of diversity
    • Encouraging diversity by hiring
    • Using the STOP technique
    • Communication essentials
    • Communication styles and critical conversations
    • How do we make it happen?
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